invenioLSI participates in the SAP Veterans to Work Program with Saint Michael’s Learning Academy

Posted by:
Caroline Silva

Publish Date:
11 Nov, 2021

At invenioLSI, we recognize the tremendous amount of strength, dedication, talent, and sacrifice it takes to serve as a member of the United States Military. This Veterans Day, the company wanted to give back in whatever way it could to the men and women who have served and are currently serving.

Returning to civilian life is no easy task for many veterans. In addition to transitioning into regular daily life, some veterans must deal with physical and emotional adjustments. One of the most difficult aspects of returning to civilian life can be finding regular work. Today’s job market can be tough to navigate, and for veterans that have served for many years in the military, this challenge can be even more daunting as they decide on a whole new career.

There are many remarkable assets United States Military personnel bring to a company, including excellent collaboration skills, discipline, organization, and professionalism. Specifically in the world of software and tech, military personnel offer plenty of talent and understanding of our ever-evolving technical world. So where do veterans get their start to finding a new career?

Saint Michaels Learning Academy (SMLA) is an organization that specializes in helping individuals who are making a career transition. SAP Veterans to Work, one of SMLA’s programs, helps US veterans who are currently transitioning from the military to civilian life kick-start their careers in the SAP industry. A career in SAP can be immensely rewarding. Individuals get to work with interesting clients and software that is leading digital transformations across the US. Not only does SMLA prepare veterans for a career in SAP, but the organization helps with job placement, and provides guidance to veterans long after they have established themselves in their new roles.

In September, invenioLSI was honored to assist this program by conducting mock interviews with soldiers who would soon be entering into the job application and interview process. Mock interviewing has proven to be extremely helpful; it prepares soldiers for difficult questions they may face and will help them approach future job interviews with more confidence.

invenioLSI’s HR Director Katy Quilter was one of the individuals who participated in conducting mock interviews for the program. Quilter describes her experience volunteering, saying, “I always enjoy connecting with candidates and I especially appreciate learning about their work histories and how they got to their SAP career. It is especially interesting to me to learn about how SAP is used within the military branches. Most of all, I enjoy speaking to new candidates and learning about their perspectives related to the job market, and learning about their application and interview experiences. The best part of these mock interviews is being able to provide and share feedback with both SMLA and the candidates, enabling the candidates to progress to their end goal of transition from the military work world to the life of an SAP Consultant.”

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One of the veterans Quilter interviewed was Gerardo "Jerry" Garcia, Senior Logistic Manager with the US Army. With over 20 years of experience working in the US Army, Garcia brings an incredible variety of skills and experiences to a job interview. He spoke about his experience during his mock interview with invenioLSI, stating, “As a transitioning Service Member it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with the invenioLSI team during the interview process. After 20 years of service, it had been a long time since I was last in an interview trying to get employment. Overall, I felt good speaking with Katy. She helped me get comfortable and complete the process with less stress while making me feel like a part of the team. I look forward to hearing from them soon.”

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Katie Confalone, invenioLSI’s Talent Acquisition Associate is no stranger to the interview process. As part of her role, Confalone conducts many interviews—often several a daymaking her an ideal volunteer for the mock interview event. Confalone describes her experience, stating, “I enjoyed the experience, and it was so nice meeting everyone. I enjoyed having conversations and being able to provide any feedback to prepare them for future interviews. It was nice to hear about the different skill sets and interests. The mock interviews also initiated interest in joining invenioLSI. It was great to see some of these candidates start to apply.”

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InvenioLSI is proud to participate in SMLA’s SAP Veterans to Work program and to work with some amazing people along the way. One of those people is Christine Aboud, Owner and Founder of SMLA. It is because of her work and passion that many US Veterans have been able to find their path in the world of SAP.

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At invenioLSI we have several US Veterans currently working on projects throughout the US. Recognizing the immense contribution these individuals bring to a project, we are always looking for qualified candidates looking to start their careers in SAP Public Sector consulting. If you are a veteran, currently in the military, or know someone interested in starting a career in SAP, please visit to see all open requisitions.

Blog Author

Caroline Silva

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